Optimising Energy Management: TECNALIA Finalizes the Flexibility Models for the Port of Sines
TECNALIA has already completed the development of the flexibility models of the controllable energy resources at the Port of Sines in, Portugal.
By using mathematical formulations, these models can accurately predict the expected power consumption of these resources under normal operating conditions or under the effect of specific control actions. For this purpose, they take into account information about their technical characteristics, user preferences and limitations, as well as other external factors impacting their behavior such as the external temperature or solar irradiation.
More specifically, flexibility models have been developed for the following energy resources :
Office buildings climatization, EV chargers and photovoltaic generation
owned by APS (the company in charge of managing the port of Sines and which holds ownership of the private distribution grid).
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) plant
owned by REN (REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais) that includes LNG regasification facilities (pumps and compressors)
Industrial cooling warehouse
owned by Americold (A Company dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the cold food supply chain).
TECNALIA is now prepared to receive data from the measurement equipment that is being installed at the Port of Sines. This data will be used to validate the models and demonstrate their feasibility to represent the behavior of such controllable energy resources in an accurate way.
Once validated, these flexibility models will be integrated into the EMS tool of TECNALIA. This tool, which is based on optimization algorithms, will decide the optimal operation schedules of the energy resources to minimize costs or to provide flexibility services to grid operators under the different use cases defined for the Portuguese Pilot.