Overview: Our 5th Consortium Meeting in Athens
Peter Breuhaus, NORCE & ELEXIA’s Coordinator
The fifth consortium meeting of ELEXIA took place during the first week of October 2024, 24 months after the official start of the project and also 24 months before the scheduled end of the project.
This meeting took place at a critical stage of the project, as we prepare to integrate the tools—both those already developed and those still in progress—and get them ready for implementation at the pilot sites.
Our 5th Consortium Meeting group photo | CORE premises, Athens
Like at the previous consortium meeting was the status of activities presented in an online conference call a few days before the in-person meeting which was organized by the project partner CORE Innovation and which took place at their premisses in Athens.
The in-person meeting was dominated by workshops and the breakout working groups with in-depth discussions of tool developers and pilot partners. This also indicates the current phase of the project during which tools and methods are to be prepared for implementation at the pilot sites, while pilot sites also might require some adaptation and preparation.
Besides the intensive 2 ½ days of working together we also had the opportunity and pleasure to join a brilliantly organized tour around the Acropolis and the old centre of Athens. The tour was followed by a dinner enjoying the excellent local food and several discussions of certain topics still continued.
Many open questions and uncertainties were clarified, and follow-up activities defined. All participants returned home safely and with enthusiasm for the next challenges and opportunities.
Our next steps will focus on integrating and applying the tools for the initially defined use case in each pilot. This effort aims to advance towards achieving the upcoming project deliverables and goals, emphasizing the seamless integration and implementation of tools and methods.